Rookie Happy Home Update
A year ago today we adopted Rookie. He loves big walks, tug-a-war with his humans, the beach, must play with all the other dogs on his walks and chasing toys but never brings them back. Tuesday, October 6, 2020
A year ago today we adopted Rookie. He loves big walks, tug-a-war with his humans, the beach, must play with all the other dogs on his walks and chasing toys but never brings them back. Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Hi from Sooty, He has settled in well and is such a smoochy boy. Thank you for letting him join our family Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Gracie (Poppy) living it up these days still. She’s the BEST companion for our boys (one on the spectrum) such an amazing soul Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Grover (was Phyrs) and Percy (was Shadow) are getting so much love and they are so entertaining! We are so glad we took the brothers together. Thank you for the wonderful service you provide. Cate Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Cannot be a bigger advocate for adopting a cat. We adopted Charlie through Paws and Claws and she’s adorable. We have a son with health issues and every time he’s distressed she’s by his side Thursday, September 14, 2017
We adopted Crumb last Sunday she is settling in beautifully. Still really timid and shy but is slowly getting more confidence. Thanks heaps Thursday, September 14, 2017
Navi is 4 years old today! Thank you once again to Paws & Claws Adoptions Inc. for saving Navi from a bad situation and giving her the best start in life. She makes us laugh every day and we would be lost without her. Keep up the great work you do! One of the pics below is with our ginger boy Floyd (another Paws & Claws rescue). Thursday, September 14, 2017
Alfred (Ed) is settling in well! Alfred and Archie are learning to get along. Thursday, September 14, 2017
Hi, just an update on Crash. He’s fitted right in our family and is my little shadow. We just love him Thursday, September 14, 2017
Thought I’d do an update for Mr Gordon. He’s been living with us since March this year. He loves his older brother from another mother (Milo), though Milo isn’t always so thrilled with Gordon at times. His favourite spot is relaxing on my son’s bed in the sun, watching the world go by. Gordon loves playing with doors, I kid you not, he’ll play with them for hours. He loves chasing toy cars whizzing over the kitchen floor and oddly enough, water…..he REALLY, REALLY loves playing in the bathroom with the water in the tub. We couldn’t imagine life without him and hope his little brother (James) and his Mum (Emily) found awesome forever homes too. Thursday, June 22, 2017