Annie (B0641)
Meet Annie (B0641).
Annie is approx 12 months old and is a total love bug, she needs all the affection and love in the world. She is oozing with personality, loves to talk and she is looking for a home with someone she can claim as her person.
She is best suited to a home where someone is around a lot to give her all the attention she craves, she will follow her person around the house wherever they go.
Annie is good with other cats, so long as they don’t try to steal her share of the cuddles.Annie is located in Wynarka and her adoption fee is $90
Annie is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped and litter trained.
Annie is approx 12 months old and is a total love bug, she needs all the affection and love in the world. She is oozing with personality, loves to talk and she is looking for a home with someone she can claim as her person.
She is best suited to a home where someone is around a lot to give her all the attention she craves, she will follow her person around the house wherever they go.
Annie is good with other cats, so long as they don’t try to steal her share of the cuddles.Annie is located in Wynarka and her adoption fee is $90
Annie is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped and litter trained.
To express your interest in adopting, please complete an application using the following link
SA Breeder DACO110502
Thursday, October 20, 2022