Storm D0933
Storm (D0933) is a sweet grey medium long hair female that is approximately 18 weeks old.
She was found with her two sisters at just 5 weeks old by their foster carers dogs. Despite being a little spicy and scared which was understandable Storm has turned into a playful, smoochy, beautiful kitty.
Her favourite thing is to receive head scratches and as she gets into them more she tries to dig her head into your hand.
Storm has been Introduced to kids, dogs and other cats but still very cautious to all. But with patience and time she will adapt.
The perfect home for Storm would be somewhere she can continue to grow and thrive. She can either be homed as an only pet to thrive with independence or other animals or even little human to play with .
Has been desexed, microchipped, vaccinated, flea and wormed
Located in Murray Bridge
Adoption fee- $200
If you think I’m as adorable as my foster family please follow the link and complete the application.
SA Breeder DACO110502