Salem Happy Home Update
💕🐾🐱Happy Homes update Salem (formally Smokie) 🐱🐾💕
Hi there, just sending you a happy home update about Salem, formerly known as Smokie. He is doing extremely well, he loves his food and adores his little sister Luna, they play and cuddle together. He still has a bit to go, but he has recently started hopping up onto the lounge and chilling with Luna and I and loves his butt scratches! He has come along leaps and bounds and spends his days watching the world go by through the window or chilling on the cat tower or running around like crazy with Luna!
Thank you for bringing this sweet boy into our lives, I lost my cat Arnie to FIP and I was traumatised and Luna would cry all the time for her big brother. I still cry over Arnie, each of our fur babies are irreplaceable and secure their own little place in our hearts, but when I heard about Salem and his past, I wanted to give him a home. He reminds me of my Arnie Boy, for he too was a gentle giant. It has taken baby steps and endless patience to win this boys trust, but seeing him come up on the lounge, play with toys and roll around on the floor with Luna is an amazing gift.