Remy and Maize
What’s better than one kitty to cuddle – two kitties to cuddle!
Introducing Remy A0412 and Maize A0411!
Hi we’re Remy and Maize. We are a bonded pair of adorable super cuddly kittehs. At 6 months old we are still little bundles of joy that love to play together and snuggle up with our hoomans too. Our foster meowma calls us her “shoulder parrots” as we both like to sit cozy on her shoulder while she works at the computer. We are getting better at spending time apart through the day to do our own thing, but in the evenings, we always find each other to play and then curl up to sleep together. We will cry if we can’t find each other or are apart for too long. Here’s a little about each of us:
Hi there, I’m Remy and I work very hard to make my long creamy ginger fur look like I’ve just gotten out of bed – probably because I have! I am a determined cuddly boy and will make sure that you will cuddle me on demand. I’m quite happy to climb up you to make sure you do. I’ll be your best little shower buddy – I wait till I hear the shower water turn off then will demand cuddles so I can cover you in my special kitteh spit conditioner as you pat me and I purr and drool away while upside down in your arms, having every faith that you will not let me fall while you hold me and I squirm around enjoying our time together. I love my food and will tell you loudly when I’m ready for dinner, 2nd dinner and possibly 3rd dinner too if I can get away with it.
Hey, I’m Maize and opposite to my brother, I have smooth beautiful blue bi-colour fur and am a very pretty little girl that photos just don’t do justice to. I’m more relaxed and less demanding than Remy but love to cuddle my hoomans just as much as he does. I will love to curl up right by your head at night and purr away while you pat me till I fall asleep – or you do. I have a gorgeous loving nature and am very gentle and sweet.
And now a word from our foster meowma: These 2 kittens are both adorable and sweet in nature, there is no aggression in them at all. They had a rough start to life and were found by themselves in swampland and are desperate for love and attention. They will take a short time to adjust to new people but once they trust you, they are just the best little buddies you can get. They are well-adjusted and happy kittens and not much bothers them. However, they are probably not suited to younger children. They are used to being around other animals so if you have other fur babies, they will be fine with the right introduction. As they are both quite small, they will need to be indoor only kittehs to keep them safe.
They are moderately active and love to play with each other as well as with their hooman and other toys – usually in the early evening is when they are most active, the rest of the time they prefer to be wherever you are and supervise whatever you are doing.
Remy and Maize are desexed, vaccinated, microchipped, toilet trained, worm and flea treated. They are located near Murray Bridge and their adoption fee is $160 each.
If you would like to express your interest, please fill in an application using the link below:
SA Breeder DACO110502