Honey C0830
Meet Honey! C0830
Honey is a lovable 14-week-old mix breed pup.
She is the sweetest girl and loves spending time with her humans. She is also the boss of all three of her brothers and keeps them in line.
Honey will be a medium size dog.
She would make a good companion for another dog as she gets along with everyone or a great first addition for someone that is looking for their first forever friend.
Honey is great around kids although she needs to be reminded to use her manners and not jump up but once this is established, she is great. She is untested with cats.
Honey has been desexed, Microchipped, vaccinated, flea and worm treated.
Adoption Fee: $750
Located Goolwa.
To get a questionnaire click https://www.savour-life.com.au/adopt-a-dog/search-now/view/69761 and
A big thank you to SavourLife who are generously offering a FREE bag of SavourLife, all-natural, Australian-made dog food to anyone adopting.
*All dogs start out on a 14-day trial period. Adoption fees are to be paid in full when dog is collected for their trial.
If for any reason the trial doesn’t work out, the dog can be returned and your adoption fee will be refunded less the administration fee (specified on adoption contract, varies per dog).
Adoption fees are only returned via bank transfer. We will welcome any of our dogs back into our care at any stage of their life, however, adoption fees will only be returned during the trial period.*
SA Breeder DACO110502